Getaway is a 2013 American action thriller film starring Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez and Jon Vought. Directed by Courtney Solomon and written by Gregg Maxwell Parker and Sean Finnegan, the film is distributed by Warner Bros., the last Dark Castle Entertainment film to be released by Warner Bros. Pictures, as Universal Pictures took Dark Castle over in 2013. Though originally reported to be a remake of the 1972 film The Getaway, the film is actually an original story.
The film was released in the United States on August 30, 2013. The film was due for UK release on October 4th 2013 but was rescheduled to December 6th 2013.
Washed up former race driver Brent Magna (Ethan Hawke) arrives home to find his house ransacked and his wife, Leanne, missing. Suddenly, his phone rings. On the other end is a mysterious man known only as The Voice (Jon Vought) who reveals himself as the kidnapper of Magna's wife. The man tells Magna that he must follow a set of instructions precisely in order to be reunited with his wife. The Voice orders Magna to steal a specially customized Shelby Mustang from a parking garage. The Voice warns Magna that if he does not follow the instructions or is caught, Leanne will die.Magna sees two police officers chasing him and speeds off. Being a skilled driver, he is able to evade them with ease, eventually setting a trap to cause one to crash into the other. Despite more police cars joining the pursuit, Magna is able to out maneuver them. Some time later, Magna is again contacted by The Voice, who directs him towards his first task. He tells Magna to speed up and take some perilous turns, eventually being forced to crash through a park, ice rink, and shopping center, nearly killing numerous civilians in the process. The Voice calls to congratulate him and tells him to keep moving. Brent is ordered to crash into a water truck and run through a red lighted intersection, causing accidents in his wake. Brent is then ordered to park in a construction zone and await further instructions. Watch the film forward. සුපිරි ෆිල්ම් එකක් අනිවා බලන්න හැමෝම…
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